It's ok with me!

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It's ok with me!

Son of God

Added 7th October 2007


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

Son of God, we see you here in souvenirs of grace;
memories of the wounds you bore, in suffering once embraced.
Lord of all, yet you died, bruised and scorned, crucified.

And we worship you at the foot of the cross
where you shed your precious blood.
Yes we bow down low at the foot of the cross,
for your death means life to us.

Living bread, eternal vine, we feed on Christ within.
Faith and hope and love combine as we remain in him.
By his blood, through the cross, the Son of God gives life to us.

And you'll raise us up on that day of all days
to a song of endless praise.
Yes you'll raise us up on that day of all days,
and we'll be with you always.

Communion is at the heart of Christian fellowship – and this song celebrates the life that we derive from the blood Christ shed for us. The lyrics both look back in remembrance of his suffering and look forward in faith to the day when he will raise us up. 'Souvenirs of grace' is a poetic reference to the bread and the wine.

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Judy Gresham at 09:00 on 28th March 2013
Wayne Bradley at 18:20 on 25th March 2013
Ivette Santana at 05:18 on 1st March 2013
Isobel Green at 03:41 on 18th July 2012