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Most popular songs

Our most popular songs vary from month to month, depending on the season and latest releases. But if you're looking for those with lasting appeal then this list of the most popular in the recent CCLI reports could be what you need. To make things a bit clearer, we haven't included any of our popular Christmas or Advent songs in this list. (View Christmas & Advent songs)

Help us raise £100,000 to support the next five years of our ministry

Our work with local church songwriters has grown ten-fold in the last few years. Our community keeps on growing, something special is happening in the grassroots of the church, and we're asking for your help to expand the capacity of our charity and keep up! Find out more.

Latest Podcast

Ep 130 - Commitment Songs
In this episode, Sam and Joel are joined by Rebecca and Andrew to review November's AI songs challenge and set the final challenge of the 2024 season!
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Song & Hymn Writers Foundation

The seven ways our charity is aiming to enrich the song of the church.

Visit our sister site for over 1500 hymns, songs, texts, tunes and prayers.

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