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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training,
resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.
Sing to God with passion,
he deserves our best,
raise an anthem to the King of Kings.
God is true and faithful,
shout it from your heart,
all the earth is filled with his great love.
Come glorify the Lord with me,
and praise his holy name.
Come glorify the Lord with me,
lets give him all the praise.
Come to God in worship,
join the instruments,
everyone lift up your voice to him.
Hes the Rock of ages,
strong until the end,
we can trust the never failing God.
Celebrate, lift his name,
he deserves the highest praise.
© Gavin Ball / Resound Worship, Administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd -
The main inspiration for the song was Psalm 33 and 34, particularly Psalm 34:3 'Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together' (NIV). The song is an encouragement to the congregation to 'Sing with passion and give God our best'. Why? Because he is completely holy, faithful, strong, trustworthy, and deserving of our praise. It's a call to worship written for the beginning of a service as the musicians and singers (of whatever size congregation) join together to give glory to the Lord, with no holding back!
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