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We see the fruitful harvest

Added 10th June 2019


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

This song was produced in collaboration with to accompany their Harvest Worship book and resources.

We see the fruitful harvest
our gracious God provides,
and how, in his abundance,
our needs are satisfied.
He sends the yearly seasons,
and feeds with joy and care;
pure light and living water
poured out for all to share.

Lord of all the harvest,
creation brings you praise,
so we will join the joyful song
of everything you’ve made.

This world of revelation
unfolds before our eyes,
the birds sing out God’s glories,
his wisdom fills the skies.
The seeds are sown to teach us
of death that leads to life.
The fruitful trees remind us
to live each day in Christ.

There is another harvest,
the workers are so few.
We’ll tend the seeds he’s planted
and see his word bear fruit.
Creation groans in longing
for earth to be restored,
that day of celebration:
the harvest of the Lord.

I wanted to write a new harvest song. The recorded tune uses the verse known as “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” (WEBB by George Webb, public domain), and I wrote the additional chorus, but the whole thing could also be sung to the tune known as “We Plough The Fields and Scatter” (WIR PFLÜGEN, also public domain). This is part of the Harvest Worship set of four songs, linked to the material created by engageworship.

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