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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training,
resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.
NB This song has two different choir arrangements. 'Choir score' is a straight four-part harmony 'Concert Bundle' has a backing-choir arrangement designed to fit with a band and lead vocalist.
Ring out the bells at Christmas time,
from every church and steeple.
Announce that Christ the king is born,
a saviour for the people.
Let our hearts be filled with wonder
as we marvel at the plan
that has placed a world’s salvation
in a newborn baby’s hands.
Let the bells ring loud and clear
for the Saviour, Christ, our Prince of Peace is here.
Let those who deal in violence
turn away from confrontation
and know the Prince of Peace has come
with healing for the nations.
From the ashes of each conflict
his eternal hope will rise
and the noise of war be silenced
by a newborn baby’s cries.
Let all the earth rejoice at news
of coming liberation
for God in Christ reveals the dawn
of peace and restoration.
Now let every heart receive him,
and the whole creation sing,
giving praise and adoration
to the newborn baby king!
Let your praise ring loud and clear
for the Saviour, Christ, our Prince of Peace is here.
© Judy Gresham / Resound Worship, Administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd -
In the past church bells have often been rung to announce important news or to celebrate joyful events. Bells were rung earlier this year at St Paul's Cathedral to celebrate the birth of William & Kate's son Prince George. So how much more should the church be ringing out the message of Christmas - that the King of Heaven himself has been born among us , and that there is good news to celebrate and share? As we watch & react to news reports showing the grief & suffering of those caught in the crossfire of the Syrian conflict or lives that have been devastated recently in the Philippines, it seems more than ever that our broken world needs to receive a message of peace, hope and promised restoration; for people, nations and even the planet itself, which is groaning & yearning for liberation (Romans 8:21).
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