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It's ok with me!

In the beginning

Added 6th October 2014


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

NB This song has two different choir arrangements. 'Choir score' is a straight four-part harmony 'Concert Bundle' has a more creative arrangement designed to fit with a band and lead vocalist.

In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was God
and the Word was with God.

And everything that has been made
has been made through him,
nothing made without him.

In him was life,
that life was light for everyone.
The darkness tries,
but the light will not be overcome.

The light that shines for everyone
has come into the world.
The light of Christ the only Son
has come into the world,
has come into the world.

He made his dwelling in the world
as the Word made flesh,
and we've seen his glory.

And in the sending of the Son,
grace and truth have come
through the one and only.

Bible Passages: John 1

For a long time I've wanted to write a song based on the opening verses of John 1, this sublime poem to the incarnation of God in Jesus. But it wasn't until I stopped trying to squeeze the words into my structure and instead followed the repetitive, loopy structure of the original that it all came together. There's something of a meditation here, at the same time leading into dynamic praise.

This was written while we were recording the 'Christmas Songs' album so, unlike the other tracks on the album, there's only one version and this is it. Hope you enjoy it!

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