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If the fields are parched (Have mercy)

Added 14th August 2020


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

If the fields are parched
and the trees are felled
will the rocks cry aloud on their own?
If the birds are starved
and the beasts are killed
will the bones in the dust lift a song?

Have mercy, Lord,
have mercy, Lord.
Forgive our broken ways.
Have mercy, Lord,
have mercy, Lord.
Renew the world you made

As the oceans rise
and the wells run dry
do we care if disaster is near?
If our children starve
will they cry to God?
Will they curse us for closing our ears?

Still a day will come
when the Lord returns
and the earth will be perfect again
No more greed or war,
no more tooth and claw,
for the wolf and the lamb will be friends.

Sometimes the Old Testament prophets speak of inevitable calamity, sometimes they speak in the hope that people will change their ways. Reading literature on contemporary ecological and humanitarian issues can feel similar. But the prophets bring another truth, one which we would do well to hear in our time as well: whatever disasters come, there is still ultimate hope in the mercy of God. This song is an attempt to give voice to those ideas.


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Nigel Ovens at 09:20 on 28th September 2020