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Hear the song of our lament,
we grieve a dry and broken land;
hearts have turned from your intent
and earth is ravaged by our hand.
Oceans weep for beauty lost,
and forests plead for your return,
fields are drenched in tears and blood;
all nature groans beneath sin’s curse.
Have mercy, have mercy,
have mercy on us, Lord.
Renew us, restore us,
have mercy on us, Lord.
Peoples rage and nations rise
to war and waste for senseless gain,
turning from creation’s cries
and trading glory in for shame.
Have mercy...
Lead us in your Eden call
to live as those who bear your name;
show us how to love your world
until the day you come again.
© Keiko Ying / Resound Worship, Administered by Jubilate Hymns Ltd -
Before attempting to write for the Doxecology project I decided to spend a little time investigating some of the excellent resources suggested by Resound Worship, and in the end felt especially moved by the book “The Bible and Ecology” by Richard Bauckham. In his exploration of some key scripture passages, Bauckham paints a beautiful picture of God’s delight in every part of his creation, of our interconnectedness with other living things, and our mandate to humbly serve and keep his beautiful world. It brought a fresh reminder of human failure to care for the earth the way God intended, and of the mourning of all nature, the deep groaning of creation longing for ultimate restoration. With this in mind I felt compelled to write a lament expressing sorrow over all this brokenness in the world. I hope it can be used to join many hearts in pleading with the Lord to have mercy on us for our failings, and in earnestly seeking his renewal.
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