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How good it is

Added 18th March 2014


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Resound Worship is a ministry of the Song and Hymn Writers Foundation, a charity dedicated to publishing quality worship songs as well as training, resourcing and influencing worship songwriters from the grass roots to published composers. We’d really value your support.

How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how good it is to sing his praise!
How good it is to sing praises to our God.
Praise the Lord!

Great is the Lord, our mighty King,
there is no end to all he knows.
Each shining star he calls by name;
lift up the Lord, come sing his praise.

The Lord provides for all our needs,
delights in those who hope in him.
He binds our wounds and gives us strength;
sing to the Lord with thankful hearts.

We praise you, God,
praise you, the one true God.
We praise you, God, our King.

Bible Passages: Psalm 147
Themes: Praise

This song, based on Psalm 147, started life as an ad lib refrain during a time of Psalm-surfing I was leading at church. The refrain stuck in my head and so became the chorus.

The psalm is a great song of praise, focusing on God's provision and sustaining power; it's a joyous reminder of all he does for us without us even realising, and I hope the song reflects some of that joy and stirs our hearts to praise.

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Kimberly Abram at 12:20 on 26th May 2017
rachel gardiner at 12:23 on 19th March 2014
Darryl Jackson at 22:09 on 18th March 2014
Russ Myers at 19:20 on 18th March 2014
Gavin Ball at 12:21 on 18th March 2014
Manuela Fries at 11:08 on 18th March 2014
Catherine Johnson at 10:57 on 18th March 2014
Neil Dupres at 09:59 on 18th March 2014